API Methods

CheckAvailability - Checks the availability of domains, hosts and name servers.

Describe - Returns activity timeout and version information from the server.

Info - Gets information about items that have been previously ordered.

ModifyDNS - This method is used for modifying DNS settings for a given domain.

NameGenDB - Used to get the lists of alternative domain names based on a given name (Domains Bot).

OrderDomains - Used for registering new domain names.

OrderServices - Used to place an order for services (e.g. email) and/or service add-ons.

Poll - Used to retrieve status notifications about pending orders.

Process Request - Provide support for calling WWD services using legacy WAPI request XMLs.

ResetPassword - Used for resetting the user's password in the WWD system.

SetEmailAccount - Create/Update and email/forwarding account.

UpdateNameServer - This method is used for modifying associated name servers for the given domains.